Hello (Pink Bear) A4 prints
Hello (Pink Bear) A4 prints
Hello (Pink Bear) A4 prints
Hello (Pink Bear) A4 prints

Hello (Pink Bear) A4 prints

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Beautiful A4 print featuring a gorgeous graphic blue deer surrounded by pretty grass & fern details & a gorgeous full blue tinted moon in the background. The print features the caption "Hello" in a gorgeous delicate font. Guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of everyone who sees it! These prints would also be a fabulous addition to a nursery.

Our prints are printed on quality matt white cardstock for a quality feel & perfectly matt finish.

The prints come unframed and individually cello wrapped in a hardbacked envelope for protection.

This delightful collection has a touch of whimsy that will add some playful character to your room decor but they also have a subtle element of sophistication about them. Perfect to add a splash of colour to your walls & give your blank spaces some character & warmth.

  • A4 Dimensions 210mm w x 297 mm h
  • Printed on quality matt white cardstock
  • Comes Individually cello wrapped for extra protection
  • Unframed
Beautiful A4 print featuring a gorgeous graphic blue deer surrounded by pretty grass & fern details & a gorgeous full blue tinted moon in the background. The print features the caption "Hello" in a gorgeous delicate font. Guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of everyone who sees it! These prints would also be a fabulous addition to a nursery.

Our prints are printed on quality matt white cardstock for a quality feel & perfectly matt finish.

The prints come unframed and individually cello wrapped in a hardbacked envelope for protection.

This delightful collection has a touch of whimsy that will add some playful character to your room decor but they also have a subtle element of sophistication about them. Perfect to add a splash of colour to your walls & give your blank spaces some character & warmth.

  • A4 Dimensions 210mm w x 297 mm h
  • Printed on quality matt white cardstock
  • Comes Individually cello wrapped for extra protection
  • Unframed